8. Capacitor
Capacitors are components that are used to store an electrical charge. For this project capacitor is use to protect microcontroller board of damage due to voltage drop too fast. Sometimes capacitors are used to smooth a current in a circuit as they can prevent false triggering of other components such as relays.
9. UIC00A
UIC00A is used to download the program in the form (.hex) into the PIC16F877A. UIC00A offers low cost yet reliable and user friendly PIC USB programmer solutions for developer, hobbyist and students. It is designed to program popular Flash PIC MCU which includes PIC12F, PIC16F and PIC18F family. It can also program 16bit PIC MCU. On board ICSPTM (In Circuit Serial Programming) connector offers flexible method to load program.
10. Printed Circuit Board Fabrication
1. To make a circuit board, at first we need to design the circuit. I'm using Proteus software because it is easy to use.
2. The transparent paper will be affixed to the PCB to make the process of UV rays.
3. By using special instruments for UV rays, paper and PCBs are already affixed neatly arranged above the emitted radiation.
4. Throughout this process runs, the PCB should be closed to prevent leakage of UV rays that can damage the circuit design.
5. PCB added to the liquid solution ferric Chloride (FeCl3) for etching process. FeCl3 powder mixed with warm water and mix depending on how fast the circuit to be completed. Silica layer PCB soaked up entirely detached and removed and washed with clean water.
6. After the PCB will be included in a special liquid developer. Developers will remove the silicon oxide (carbon) and the circuit design will be seen clearly. Then PCB rinsed with clean water.
11. MAX232
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