Monday 5 November 2012

Project Title


               For the Final Year Project 1 (WPB49804), the Autonomous Surveillance Helicopter by Using Computer was selected in this week. This title is operated by Sir Ahmad Basri bin Hj. Zainal. He was an adviser for this project.

               For semester 1, we only need to research about this project first. After that, we must submit the proposal to adviser and progress report to our adviser in Week 14. In the progress report, we use blog as a progress report. it is because easy to edit by student when we do it. it also easy to our adviser to check or marking our progress report.

               We also must need to do a research about the component such as hardware for circuit needed.


1. Searching the project title and find the adviser.
2. The dateline for register the FYP title is Week 5.



1. Talk about code for FYP 1 in this semester because it is totally different than last semester.
2. For FYP 1 using code WPB49804 and FYP 2 using code WPB49806.

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